RESEARCH: What, Why and How?

RESEARCH: What, Why and How? 2016-07-04

No permission to download
This precious Ebook is the result of brilliant efforts made by Pashtoon Murtaza Kasi ('06), and is being shared on AKUMC-STAN with his permission. The author has requested that a download link to be posted (please find below), which would help him keep track of readability, invite comments and hopefully encourage more research collaboration; something that the medical students and alumni should be doing anyways. We have honoured his request.

Author's Message

This book is an effort to compile and answer some of the very basic fundamental questions regarding research. It initially started as a small article that I could share with young investigators and students on how to do research, but then went on to be a collaboration between 43 researchers from 11 different countries (Pakistan, India, United States, Iran, United Kingdom, Nepal, Canada, Greece, Poland, Japan and Australia).

According to Descartes, when approaching a difficult problem,
"Divide the problem into as many parts as necessary to attack it in the best way, and start an analysis by examining the simplest and most easily understood parts before ascending gradually to an understanding of the most complex."

Unconsciously in the writing of this book, we have done just that. We have divided this vast topic of research into basic fundamental questions that come to the mind of a young student, investigator, researcher, scholar, trainee or scientist and have tried to answer those questions in the light of available knowledge and experience in a simple, straightforward and easy to understand way.

Although there is a lot of literature available to answer the same queries, the language is often too complex and difficult to understand and thus too aversive. Some of these teaching materials are just like experts talking to each other.

This book would act as a catalyst in providing useful reviews and guidance related to different aspects of research for students who need to be inducted and recognized as an integral part of the research community. They need to learn methods and techniques used in research and should have opportunities to practice such methods and techniques. This all implies that duing their studies, students should engage in building knowledge through research just like other researchers.

A lot of effort went down not only in writing the book but also in making it available internationally for young investigators, trainees, researchers and trainees at all levels at an affordable price. The Ebook is available for FREE on ResearchGate. For enthusiasts, the book is available for purchase at the publishers' website, as well as Amazon.

Another message that I would like to convey is to share how powerful and productive collaborations can be. The AKU alumni represents a huge body of great intellectuals, but often their expertise and talents are under-utilized. If we could come together for similar ventures, the outcomes would be great. If anyone would like to work or share with me similar or different ideas on which we could work together, I would be honored.

We would welcome comments, critique, suggestions and guidance on existing chapters as well as contributions for future chapters of the next edition of the book as we would like this teaching and learning exercise to continue. A supportive culture needs to be encouraged and we all need to share our ideas with each other. Please feel free to contact me with guidance, critique or contributions:


Looking forward to hearing from your side.
Good Wishes,
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